Complaints policy

Last Updated: March 2024
At JobsinED, we are committed to providing a high standard of service to both our clients and education professionals. We recognise that, on occasion, concerns or issues may arise. This Complaints Policy outlines the procedures for raising, addressing, and resolving complaints in a fair and timely manner.
The purpose of this policy is to:
Provide clear guidance on how to make a complaint.
Ensure that all complaints are treated seriously, addressed promptly, and resolved effectively.
Demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement through feedback and resolution.
Informal Complaints
Many complaints can be resolved informally through discussions with the JobsinED Team. We encourage early reporting of concerns to seek a resolution informally.
Formal Complaints
If an issue cannot be resolved informally or if it is deemed too serious for an informal resolution, the formal procedure can be followed:
1. Making a Formal Complaint:
Formal complaints should be submitted by sending an email to with the subject line starting with "Formal Complaint."
The body of the email must include detailed information about the complaint, the full name of the complainant, a contactable email address and phone number, and the desired resolution.
Complaints should be submitted within 4 weeks of the issue arising.
If the criteria are met, JobsinED will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 5 working days, assigning it to a member of the Leadership team.
2. Response and Resolution:
JobsinED will respond to the complaint via email within 14 days, detailing:
a. The action to be taken
b. A Timeline for completion
c. The responsible person overseeing the resolution and point of contact
3. Record Keeping:
A detailed record of all complaints, including the handling process and resolution, will be maintained.
4. Time Extensions:
In rare cases requiring time extensions, JobsinED will notify the complainant within the original 14-day timeframe, providing an estimated extension period and regular updates until resolution.
If dissatisfied with the resolution, the complainant can escalate in writing to Nigel Horne at JobsinED, by emailing with the subject line starting with "Formal Complaint Appeal." Appeals should be submitted within 2 weeks of being notified of the original resolution.
Review of Complaints Policy
This Complaints Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any updates or amendments will be communicated to stakeholders.